What are those words that the military uses for letters? - military letters tango
They have forgotten their names. You use a name or a word, represented a letter, as A is B C TF Alfa Bravo Tango Foxtrot Charlie and so on. And I find a list of them?
NATO Phonetic Alphabet
A - Alfa
B - Bravo
C - Charlie
D - Delta
E - Echo
F - Foxtrot
G - Golf
H - Hotel
I - India
J - Juliet
K - Kilo
L - Lima
M - Mike
N - November
O - Oscar
P - Papa
Q - Quebec
R - Romeo
S - Sierra
T - Tango
U - Uniform
V - Victor
W - Whiskey
X - X-ray
Y - Yankee
Z - Zulu
0 - Zero
1 - Wun (One)
2 - Two
3 - Tree (three)
4 - Fower (Four)
5 - Fife (Five)
6 - Six
7 - Seven
8 - AIT (Eight)
9 - Niner (Nine)
. - Decimal (point)
. - Stop (Full)
phonetic alphabet
http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/V ...
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