Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hydrogen Pump Prices Price Of Hydrogen Fuel Cells At Pump?

Price of Hydrogen Fuel Cells at Pump? - hydrogen pump prices

But what is the price of fuel in a bomb? Everyone who lives in California?

I try to know how much it would cost to fill the Honda FCX. It was only announced today they have done! A victory for mankind! : D


jazzfan said...

I doubt they have hydrogen filling stations, where you fill in the short term. It is a gas station at home, with electricity and natural gas producing hydrogen for fuel cells. This will result in CO2 emissions, although none of the cars themselves, only for hydrogen production.

A good performance of the gas station Home Plug Power, a supplier to Honda is that it can also generate energy for use at home when the power outage. The storage tank of hydrogen from the station can provide 5 kilowatts / hour, up to exhaustion, similar to many emergency generators.

The FCX will be very difficult, because the plan only 200 are under construction in the next 3 years. If this succeeds, then we can start building hydrogen filling stations, butUntil then, most people will rely on the home refueling station. Based on previous estimates, does not have much electricity or gas supply to use fuel cells has high costs, but can not find a link to this information and is not now on the Honda website.

douglas k said...

Hydrogen is, unfortunately, the oil companies-_ --

4% of the hydrogen-electrolysis.

The hydrogen is produced from crude oil, since oil contains some hydrogen.

Recommendation from the electrolysis

Nevertheless, oil companies still rule> = O


That `s what she does care, you save the earth

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